My Review Of Under The Ivy: The Life and Music of Kate Bush

Under the Ivy: The Life & Music of Kate Bush by Graeme Thomson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you, like me, think that Kate Bush is one of those rare geniuses that only comes along rarely, this is abook you will love. It is both a biography of her life and a study in how she created her music and related works. The author clearly talked to every important person in Bush’s life to get these insights into her working methods, and this let’s him bring to light the subtexts to a lot of her songs. And I want to note that this not a hagiography. Sometimes Bush failed at what shje attempted, and the author is able to look clearly at those events as well. And of course she was recently in the news when one of her songs, Running Up That Hill, was used in a popular TV show and shot back up the charts.

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