TiVo Conversion

One of the things I love is TiVo. It is convenient, it works well, and I would not want to go without it. I use the Season Pass feature to record programs I love, and I often decide I would like to keep the program for future viewing. You can always set TiVo to keep a copy of a program indefinitely, but that will quickly fill up the hard drive with saved programs. So the next thing you might think of is taking the files off of TiVo, and moving them onto your multi-terabyte home storage system. This is do-able, but but there are a few snags. One of the biggest is that TiVo files are in a proprietary format that will not play in your media player. Fortunately, there is software available to solve this problem. In this series I will take you from start to finish, from the original recording on TiVo to the final video file on your capacious hard drive ready for your media player to play. And best of all, I will do this using Open Source software that runs on Linux.

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