The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe (Christmas Special)
As you would imagine from the title, this is a pastiche on the Narnia novel by C.S. Lewis called The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, but with that Doctor Who twist. The Prequel video is important here, as it sets the stage for what will come. The Doctor is on a spaceship that is going to attack the Earth, but he plans to blow the ship up. He places a phone call to Amy asking her to pilot the TARDIS and pick him up, then realizes that Amy is not in the TARDIS because he pushed her and Rory out in order to save them from the likely outcome of being a companion, which is death. Fact is, it is very unlikely for a companion to die, but this is necessary for the plot. So the Doctor realizes he is really all alone, and will probably die when the alien spaceship blows up. This ends the prequel. The actual episode picks up with the ship exploding, the Doctor running for his life, and at the last moment coming across a spacesuit as he is thrown out of the ship.
The spacesuit somehow keeps him alive as he falls from space to the Earth below, but he is definitely banged up. He is found a by a nice lady, and from the clues we see that it is just before World War II breaks out. She helps get him back to the TARDIS, and he tells her that if she needs him again to just make a wish. Three years later, the war has duly broken out, and she gets a telegram that starts “We regret to inform you…” and her husband has died. She takes the children to an old manor house, and the door is answered by the Doctor. She doesn’t recognize him because he was completely covered up in his spacesuit when she saw him before, so he just says he is the Caretaker. From there the story is pure fantasy, with the youngest child Cyril opening a big box and going through to another planet that is in the middle of a snowy winter.
This a Christmas Special, which means it is light and generally good fun. But the very end circles back to the prequel as the Doctor is told by the lady that his friends, the people who love him, should not be without him on Christmas.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#58
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#115
- DWO Whocast #225
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #286
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #299
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #232
- Harbo Wholmes #1
- Harbo Wholmes #2
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #93
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #558
- Reactor Magazine
Series 07a
For the second time, a season is divided into two parts, over two years this time. In 2012 they wrapped up the story line of Amy and Rory.
Asylum of the Daleks
The Daleks grab the Doctor, Amy, and Rory and bring them to Skaro, the home planet of the Daleks. It seems that the Daleks have another planet called the Asylum where they exile their insane, battle-scarred Daleks. But recently a spaceship called the Alaska crashed onto the planet, and damaged the force field keeping the insane Daleks contained there. The Daleks on Skaro know they need to blow up the Asylum, but the force filed is still strong enough to stop them, so they want the Doctor to turn it off. One wrinkle is that on this Asylum planet they have something like the nanogenes from The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, but instead of healing people it turns them into Daleks. They find a survivor from the crash named Oswin Oswald, who is played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, and she is able to help them. Coleman had already been announced as the next companion, but her appearance here was a surprise, and was a closely guarded secret. And of course her character dies at the end of this episode, so it wasn’t the character of the new companion she was playing, but since the new companion also had the last name of Oswald there is something happening here.
Another sub-plot has to do with Amy and Rory, who are about to get divorced! But it turns out they both still love each other. Amy has discovered that she cannot have any more children after the events at Demon’s Run (see A Good Man Goes To War), and knowing that Rory really wanted children she resolved to push him away for his own good, which of course breaks Rory’s heart. Thankfully they get it all sorted out in the end.
The last thing to note is that at the end it is stated that the Daleks became more and more aggressive and deadly to protect themselves from the Doctor. This continues a theme that was also brought out in A Good Man Goes To War when River Song asks the Doctor to think about what he is turning into.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#53
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#159
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#163
- DWO Whocast #259
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #130
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #326
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #333
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #238
- Mr. Tardis
- Mr. Tardis #2
- Harbo Wholmes
- He Who Moans
- Harry’s Moving Media
- Dalek 63-88
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #559
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
The Doctor is called by the Indian Space Agency (ISA) about an unknown spaceship headed for Earth. The ISA will launch missiles to blow it up unless the Doctor can somehow stop the ship. The Doctor then takes a crew of Nefertiti, the Egyptian queen, Riddell, a big game hunter, Amy, Rory, and Rory’s Dad, Brian, and land the TARDIS on the ship. When they get there, they discover it has dinosaurs on board. The dinosaurs are not flying this thing, so who is? There is a computer system on board that can respond to voice commands, so when the Doctor says “We need to get to the engine room”, he, Rory, and Brian are instantly teleported…to a beach, where they are attacked by pterodactyls. But under the sand is a metal floor, so maybe this is the engine room. Amy, Nefertiti, and Riddell are checking out the computer, and Amy discovers that the ship is actually an Ark built by Silurians who were fleeing the Earth, and that they were bringing along specimens of life from Earth.
The villain of the piece turns out to be a man called Solomon who is criminal who killed the Silurians in order to get the valuable cargo of dinosaurs. Interestingly, he is played by David Bradley, who would very shortly be called upon to portray the First Doctor (originally William Hartnell) in An Adventure in Space and Time, a docu-drama of the shows origins developed for the 50th anniversary in 2013. He then appeared is several other episodes of Doctor Who as the first Doctor: Twice Upon A Time, the last show of Peter Capaldi, and The Power of the Doctor, the last show of Jodie Whittaker.
- Council of Geeks
- He Who Moans
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#8
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#161
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#163
- DWO Whocast #260
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #131
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #327
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #334
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #239
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #560
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Reactor Magazine #2
- Verity!
A Town Called Mercy
Many of the stories in Doctor Who begin with the TARDIS arriving in some place other the one the Doctor wanted, but as the TARDIS itself said (The Doctor’s Wife) it didn’t always take him where he wanted to go, but it always took him where he needed to go. In this case, while aiming for Mexico they end up in very small town in the western United States where something odd is happening. The town has electric light about 10 years before electric lights were invented, and it is a tiny little town in the middle of the desert. When the Doctor and Amy and Rory walk into a saloon, the Doctor is asked if he is an alien when he says he’s the Doctor, which is also odd. It turns out there is an alien doctor hiding in the town, and he has saved them all from cholera and is responsible for the electric lights. And he is being hunted by an alien cyborg who has all kinds of built-in lethal technology. There is more here on what the Doctor is becoming when he contemplates handing over an evil person to be killed, and this is perhaps the ongoing meta-story, and Amy remarks that this is what happens when he travels for long without companions, which is major foreshadowing for the tragedy to come.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#46
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#162
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#163
- DWO Whocast #261
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #132
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #328
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #335
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #240
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #561
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
The Power of Three
There are two different stories being told here. The first is about mysterious black cubes that suddenly appear all over the planet but don’t seem to do anything. The Doctor arrives at Amy and Rory’s house, and is shortly introduced to Kate Stewart, daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and now science advisor to UNIT. But then nothing much happens. The cubes just sit there doing nothing, and people start using them as paper weights and just leaving them lying around. Then they suddenly activate, but each one does something different. This lasts for 47 minutes, then they stop. In hindsight, they were gathering information. Eventually it comes out that it was a plot to wipe out the human race. This is a perfectly fine if average story for Doctor Who.
The second story, however, is about Amy and Rory, and their relationship to the Doctor. They are settling in to their lives as ordinary people and kind of like it, but when the Doctor comes back they admit that they have missed the adventure and danger. And Rory’s father Brian encourages them to go with the Doctor and have that adventure. He had a talk with the Doctor to ask about what happened to previous companions, and the Doctor admits that some died, but that he won’t let that happen to Amy and Rory. As they leave Amy makes a comment about a cube being the power of three, and that is what the Doctor, Amy and Rory represent.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#57
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#164
- DWO Whocast #262
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #133
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #329
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #336
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #241
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #562
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
The Angels Take Manhattan
This concludes the story arc of Amy and Rory. The Angels have somehow arrived in Manhattan and are sending people back to the 1930s so that they can feed on the time energy thus released. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory innocently show up there to sightsee and get wrapped up in the problem themselves along with River Song. After all of the usual thrilling chase, Rory is finally caught and sent back to 1938. Amy then decides to deliberately get caught so that she can be with Rory. It should bring a tear to your eye. And that is fine as long as you don’t think too much about the plot. The plot makes no sense at all, but if you can let that go it is not a bad story about human relationships.
But the other thread in this story continues an idea we have been seeing, which is that the Doctor should not travel alone. We first saw this brought up with the tenth Doctor in the story . It came up again in The Next Doctor, and two stories later he went off the rails in The Waters Of Mars. It has now been theme with the eleventh Doctor, in part because without a stabilizing influence he can start to become a monster, as River Song points out in A Good Man Goes To War, and as Amy brings up in A Town Called Mercy. Amy and Rory prove that they would do anything to be together, and that is a counterpoint to the lonely Doctor.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#69
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#165
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#166
- DWO Whocast #263
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #134
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #330
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #337
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #242
- Mr. Tardis
- Mr. Tardis #2
- Harbo Wholmes #1
- Harbo Wholmes #2
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #564
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
About Series 7a
The Snowmen (Christmas Special)
We start off with prequels that introduce Madame Vastra, her wife Jenny, and Strax in Victorian London. Of course, we saw all of them in A Good Man Goes To War, but this is subsequent to that. They will become known as The Paternoster Gang, after the street they live on. Strax is temporarily assisting the Doctor, who has become a recluse since the time Amy and Rory got sent back by the Angels. It is no longer any of his business dealing with the problems of Earth people, though he still lives here. Jenna Coleman, who we first met playing Oswin Oswald in Asylum Of The Daleks, exists here in Victorian London. This will get explained eventually, but not in this episode. And the Doctor doesn’t realize it because he never actually saw her in Asylum, though we did. She meets the Doctor and decides to follow him, but he wants no part of it. He is still grieving.
The big threat here is the Great Intelligence, voiced by Ian McKellen, who is trying to take over the Earth again. We saw him the Patrick Troughton era in the The Abominable Snowmen and The Web Of Fear. Now instead of artificial Yetis, it is creating evil snowmen, and using a character played by Richard E. Grant as its tool. The Doctor, Clara, and the others eventually defeat it, but Clara dies. But just before she dies, she uses a phrase she used in Asylum when talking to the Doctor: “Run, you clever boy”. Hearing it, the Doctor starts to put the pieces together, and then learns her full name was Clara Oswin Oswald. With this, he knows there is a mystery he has to unpack, and decides to go in search of Clara. So Clara is the big mystery for Season 7b. Clara has touched him and pulled him out of his grieving.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#30
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#180
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#181
- DWO Whocast #274
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #145
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #343
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #356
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #243
- Mr. Tardis
- Mr. Tardis #2
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #565
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Who Corner to Corner
- Verity!
- Verity#2
Series 07b
This picks up after the events of The Snowmen, and is in effect a completely separate series centered around the mystery of Clara Oswald.
The Bells of Saint John
There is a mystery here involving WiFi. People are finding new access points, but if they log on to them, they seem to drop unconscious. As this is happening, Clara Oswald is having trouble logging in to WiFi, and calls a phone number that she got from “a woman in the shop”, and it turns out to be the phone on the front door of the TARDIS, which is right now in 13th century Cumbria where the Doctor has gone to contemplate the mystery of Clara Oswald, whom he has met twice so far, in Asylum of the Daleks, and in the previous The Snowmen. Each time she died, but he knows it was the same person because she not only looks identical, she uses the phrase “run you clever boy”. While on the phone to the Doctor, who she thinks is a computer help line, she uses the phrase again, so the Doctor finds her in London. But she has gotten into the bad WiFi, and is now unconscious.
Meanwhile, there is a mysterious office full of people at computers, and monitor screens showing the faces of people who were snatched by the bad WiFi. It looks like their consciousness has been uploaded into a computer system. We don’t know why, but it is clearly sinister. In the end it is revealed that the evil mastermind behind it all is The Great Intelligence, previously seen in The Snowmen, and of course years before in The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear .
BTW, the Bells of Saint John seem to refer to the telephone ringer in the call box as referred to by a 13th century Cumbrian monk. And if you look closely at the front of te TARDIS, it says that the phone connects to the Saint John Ambulance society. Otherwise, it has no significance to the story.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#7
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#197
- DWO Whocast #285
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #158
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #360
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #375
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #247
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #566
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Verity!
The Rings of Akhaten
The Rings of Akhaten are planetoids/asteroids circling Akhaten, a planet. On one of the rings there is a golden pyramid. The Doctor takes Clara there because she wanted to go somewhere awesome, and the Doctor says he once visited this place with his granddaughter, who of course is Susan from the first season of Doctor Who in 1963-64. They walk through a marketplace filled with various aliens, but the Doctor keeps running off and leaving Clara to her own devices. And Clara then meets a young girl who has been chosen to the Queen of Years, and the girl is frightened because she is supposed to sing a song and is afraid she might get it wrong, so Clara comforts her.
When the girl starts singing, a ray of light hits her and starts drawing her to the planetoid with the golden pyramid. Clara and the Doctor follow. Of course, it turns out as you probably already guessed, that being chosen Queen of Years means more than just singing a song, it means being sacrificed to what turns out to be an alien parasite that feeds off of people’s memories, stories, and feelings. Between them, the Doctor and Clara overfeed the creature to the point that it implodes on itself.
In my opinion Jenna-Louise Coleman really shines in this episode. She has such empathy for a young girl, and you can see why she was so good as a nanny/governess in past lives.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#41
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#198
- DWO Whocast #286
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #159
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #361
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #376
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #248
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #567
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
- Verity!#2
Cold War
A Russian submarine is operating near the North Pole in 1983 doing cold war drills like simulating the launch of the nuclear missiles it contains. A professor on board has found what he thinks is a frozen mammoth in a block of ice which he plans to bring back to Moscow, but a crew member of the sub decides to defrost the specimen prematurely. I have no idea what motivated him to do it, it seems like an action born of dramatic necessity. But it turns out to be not a mammoth, but an ice warrior, Grand Marshall Skaldak. He kills the sailor, and attacks the ship, ad then the Doctor and Clara arrive. Just to make things more interesting, the Hostile Action Displacement System kicks in and removes the TARDIS. We later learn it is at the South Pole. What follows is a classic base-under-siege story involving the Russian sailors, the Doctor and Clara, and Skaldak. The problem is that by attacking Skaldak, the Russian sailors have in essence declared war on behalf of the entire planet, according to Martian law. And once Skaldak has learned about Mutual Assured Destruction, he realizes that all he has to do is launch a nuclear missile or two to start all-out nuclear war and destroy the planet, which under his law he has every right to do.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#27
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#199
- DWO Whocast #287
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #160
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #362
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #377
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #249
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #568
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Who Corner to Corner
- Verity!
In 1974 a professor is investigating a ghost phenomenon in old English house, and his assistant has some empathic powers that allow her to feel the ghost. Then the Doctor and Clara show up, and they are also interested in this ghost. As they investigate it becomes quite clear that something genuine is happening, though is it a ghost? Clara notices that in the photos they have taken the ghost is always in the exact same position, which gives the Doctor a clue. He takes the TARDIS on a trip through time and photographs the same spot at various points beginning from when the Earth was formed to the eventual end of the planet, and finds that the problem is that this is a time traveler that got caught in a pocket dimension where time runs slower. They rescue the time traveler, and the Doctor realizes that she is from the future, and hypothesizes that the empathic link between her and the Professor’s assistant is actually a blood link because the time traveler is a descendant of the assistant. The only problem is that she is childless and unmarried, but as it happens she and the professor have been circling each other throughout the episode, so that can be fixed.
This was actually the very first episode filmed with Clara in Series 7b, but you wouldn’t know it. Clara has the same trouble with the TARDIS that she had previously, but in order to rescue the Doctor the TARDIS finally lets her enter by herself. Also, the Doctor employs a blue crystal from Metebelis III, something which originally appeared the the Third Doctor story The Green Death. Here it is used to help focus the mental powers of the assistant to open up a worm hole.
Note: Jessica Raine, who plays the assistant, also portrayed producer Verity Lambert in An Adventure in Space and Time, a show about the origin of Doctor Who that was created in this 50th anniversary year.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#37
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#201
- DWO Whocast #288
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #161
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #363
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #378
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #251
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #569
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Doctor decides to give Clara a lesson in piloting the TARDIS, and for reasons of Dramatic Necessity has to turn off the shields to do this. This instantly reveals the TARDIS to a spaceship of salvagers who grab the TARDIS in a magnetic beam, and damage it in the process. Clara tells him he needs to fix it, but he says there is no “big friendly button” that can fix everything. Then an egg-shaped object rolls across the floor, Clara grabs it, and it burns her hand, then a jolt to the TARDIS and darkness.
The Doctor wakes up in the hold of the salvage vessel where there are three brothers who are the crew, but Clara is nowhere to be seen. She has in fact been transported deep inside the TARDIS. The Doctor realizes this, and cons the salvage crew into helping him to get her back. Clara meanwhile is wandering from room to room, encountering such things as a Library with a volume about the Time War, and also Amy’s TARDIS toy model. Then a spooky monster starts to stalk her.
The main interest here is that we get to see some of the inside of the TARDIS. As far as the Mystery of Clara, it would appear that the Doctor has finally accepted that she is not the same person who was a Dalek and who also died while fighting the Great Intelligence. We’ll find out more later, but for right now she is accepted as a woman who has no idea about any of that and is just along for the excitement.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#45
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#203
- DWO Whocast #289
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #163
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #364
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #379
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #252
- Harbo Wholmes #1
- Harbo Wholmes #2
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #570
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
The Crimson Horror
This starts out with something wicked in Yorkshire, where people are turning up dead, but also extremely red. The locals have taken to calling it the Crimson Horror. The Paternoster Gang are engaged to look into it, and discover something very hard to understand. There is a folklore that the last thing you see before you die is imprinted on your eyes, and a photo of one of the dead person’s eyes shows a picture of the Doctor! So Jenny goes inside the Sweetville establishment to try and find the Doctor, which she does. The Doctor has apparently been kept in a locked room by Ada, the daughter of Mrs. Gillyflower, who seems to run the place. In a neat bit of casting, Ada is played by Rachael Stirling, daughter of Dame Diana Rigg, who plays Mrs. Gillyflower, and it is the first time the real life mother and daughter performed together onscreen. The writer, Mark Gatiss, had worked with Ms. Stirling in a play and she had mentioned that she would like to join her Mom in a production, so Gatiss set it up.
This was meant to be a possible setup for a spinoff, though it never happened. That is too bad, I really like the Paternoster Gang and would love to see more of them. They appeared previously in A Good Man Goes To War and The Snowmen. One thing we saw in the Snowmen is a tie-in between the Paternoster Gang and Sherlock Holmes. One thing a dedicated Sherlockian would immediately recognize is that a repulsive red leach from prehistoric times is the key to this. And in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez Watson refers to the “the repulsive story of the red leech”. Of course Mark Gatiss is a big Sherlock fan, and the BBC series Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, was created by he and Steven Moffat, the showrunner for Doctor Who.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#33
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#205
- DWO Whocast #290
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #365
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #380
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #253
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #164
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #571
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
Nightmare in Silver
The children that Clara cares for discovered pictures of her (see the end of the previous episode) and trick her into confirming that she travels in time. Of course there is a little misinterpretation of the pictures from The Snowmen since that is a different Clara who died there. But this is enough to get the Doctor to take them on a trip with him and Clara. He takes everyone to an extraterrestrial amusement park only to find it closed and occupied by a punishment platoon. The Doctor uses the Psychic Paper to convince the platoon that he is a representative direct from the Emperor of this galaxy. They go inside and meet the caretaker, and he shows them a few curiosities, including a robot that plays chess. Only this is a Cyberman! It is only a shell though, and inside is a dwarf (Warwick Davis) operating the body of the Cyberman to move the chess pieces.
But it turns out that the Cybermen are not quite gone. The two children are first to be partially “upgraded”, then it happens to the Doctor! But in his case the this results in a split brain, half the Doctor, and half the Cyber Planner who calls himself Mr. Clever. The weapons that the people can use against the Cybermen one by one fail as the Cybermen “install upgrades” to defeat them.
This story was written by Neil Gaiman, who wrote the fantastic The Doctor’s Wife. But this story is rather less fantastic, and Gaiman said he did not enjoy the experience. That is why he resolved to be his own showrunner for Good Omens, the series based on the book of the same name that he wrote with Terry Pratchett. And he has said that his script was mangled. Given that he is Neil Gaiman, I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#61
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#206
- DWO Whocast #291
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #165
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #366
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #381
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #254
- Mr. Tardis
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harbo Wholmes #2
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #572
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio #2
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
The Name of the Doctor
This starts with Madam Vashtra getting information from a convicted killer who seeks to delay his execution by trading information. It has to do with the Doctor having a great secret he will never disclose, and that is has been discovered. Madam Vashtra, Jenny, and Strax convene a dream conference then bring in Clara via a soporific drug that puts her into a dream state. The conference is also attended by River Song. They are trying to figure out what needs to be done when Jenny is killed. This turns out to be the work of the Great Intelligence, and he wants to draw everyone to Trenzalore, which the Doctor really does not want to do, and he reveals that it holds his grave.
The grave is the TARDIS, only it is now larger since the Doctor has died, and inside is the Doctor’s time stream. The Great Intelligence enters the time stream, blasting himself into pieces that go everywhere so he can undo the Doctor’s actions. The Doctor starts to die from this, but the Clara also enters the time stream, saying that she was born to save the Doctor. This now explains why one version of her was in Victorian London in The Snowmen, and another became a Dalek in Asylum of the Daleks. The Doctor when enters the time stream himself to save her. There they meet the big secret – a future version of the Doctor, played by John Hurt, that has become known as the War Doctor.
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Discussing Who Episode #84
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#10
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#208
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #166
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #367
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #382
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #255
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harry’s Moving Media
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #574
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Reactor Magazine
- Verity!
Season 7b
The Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary Show)
The first episode of Doctor Who aired in November, 1963, so in November 2013 it was time for the 50th anniversary. And it has been a tradition that when major anniversaries are celebrated on Doctor Who, multiple Doctors are involved. In 1973, for the 10th anniversary season, the opener was called The Three Doctors, With William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee taking part. Then in November, 1983, for the 20th anniversary, they did The Five Doctors, with all 5 of the Doctors up to that point represented. This episode involves 3 Doctors specifically, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and John Hurt, but also a cameo at the end of the Curator, played by Tom Baker, who teases us on whether he is the Doctor. The plot revolves around the end of the Time War, when our backstory up until now has been that the Doctor killed all the Time Lords and all of the Daleks. And that is why John Hurt was inserted to be the War Doctor. And it haunted the 9th Doctor throughout his run. Of course, we saw Gallifrey and the Time Lords in the 10th Doctor finale The End of Time, and we have seen Daleks numerous times, so it couldn’t have quite happened the way the 9th Doctor said it did. But here we get the story, which also sets up the finale for the 11th Doctor in The Time of the Doctor.
This is a fun nostalgic romp that also ties up a loose end: why Queen Elizabeth I wanted to kill the Doctor in The Shakespeare Code. Billie Piper also appears, not as Rose Tyler, but as the interface to the Doomsday weapon that the War Doctor planned to use. Also, the opening finds Clara working as a teacher at the Coal Hill School, which is the school where the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan was a student and where Ian and Barbara were teachers in the 1963 first episode.
- Council of Geeks
- Council of Geeks Take Two
- He Who Moans
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Discussing Who Episode #88
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#74
- The Doctor Who Podcast Part 1 Episode#237
- The Doctor Who Podcast Part 2 Episode#238
- The Doctor Who Podcast Feedback Episode#239
- DWO Whocast #309
- DWO Whocast #310
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #196
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #394
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #256
- Harbo Wholmes
- Harbo Wholmes #2
- Crispy Pro
- Crispy Pro w/TheDoctorofWho
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Reactor Magazine
- Reactor Magazine #2
- WhoCulture Retro Ups and Downs
- Verity!
The Time of the Doctor (Christmas Special)
This Christmas Special is the final appearance of Matt Smith as the Doctor. He has received a message which has been blasting out all over the universe, and it brings him to a planet which turns out to be Trenzalore. Of course, we know from The Name Of The Doctor that Trenzalore is where his grave exists. But right now it is the source of this message, and all of the Doctor’s enemies have gathered here, much like in The Pandorica Opens, only now they are in all in spaceships surrounding the planet. They can’t lad at this point because The Church of the Papal Mainframe got there first and placed a force field around the planet. The Doctor gets their help to visit the planet, where it turns out the message is from the Time Lords, and is coming from a crack in reality located in the human settlement called Christmas. And this is the same crack that appeared in the first episode of Matt Smith, and ran though his first series, so it ties up his tenure from beginning to end. And the Silence is part of this Church, and the Mother Superior explains that a renegade faction split off and tried to assassinate the Doctor, which is a reference to the story arc of Smith’s second series, which began with The Impossible Astronaut, and went through the season with stealing Amy’s baby and training it to kill the Doctor, which she did as River Song.
The Doctor settles down here after sending Clara back to her own home and time. As time goes by different enemies manage to land but the Doctor always defeats them. After a few centuries Clara manages to come back with the TARDIS, and the Doctor is visibly older. He sends her back again, and then she gets picked up by Tasha Lem, the Mother Superior of the Church of the Papal Mainframe, who tells her that she needs to go to the Doctor because he should not die alone. The Doctor is very old and feeble, and ready to die, and the Daleks are attacking in force. But Clara convinces the Time Lords to give the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, he uses the regeneration energy to destroy the Daleks before returning to the TARDIS where he regenerates into Peter Capaldi.
- Council of Geeks
- Council of Geeks Take Two
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Series3#21
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#241
- DWO Whocast #311
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #200
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #399
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #410
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #257
- Harbo Wholmes
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #576
- Crispy Pro
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Reactor Magazine
- Harry’s Moving Media
- Davis
- Verity!
Review of 2012 Season
- Doctor Who Podshock
- The Doctor Who Podcast First half Episode#169
- The Doctor Who Podcast Second part Episode#204
- The Doctor Who Podcast Last part Episode#209
- The Doctor Who Podcast: Fall of the Eleventh
- The Doctor Who Podcast Feedback Episode#210
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#240
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#265
- DWO Whocast DVD Review part 1 #267
- DWO Whocast DVD Review #306
- DWO Whocast last part #312
- Harbo Wholmes (First half of season)
- Harbo Wholmes (Second half of season)
- Harbo Wholmes (Second half of season #2)
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #183
- Gallifrey Public Radio
Reviews of Matt Smith
- Doctor Who Podshock
- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#269
- DWO Whocast #329
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Clever Dick Films
- Davis
- Who Corner to Corner
- Reactor Magazine
- Reactor Magazine #2
Bonus Special: An Adventure in Space and Time
This is a dramatization of the beginning of Doctor Who, done for the 50th anniversary year of 2013. It featured David Bradley as the Doctor, a role he would reprise in The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon a Time, and The Power of the Doctor, as well as in Big Finish audio dramas. It also starred Jessica Raine as Verity Lambert, and she appeared in the 11th Doctor episode Hide. And Waris Hussein was portrayed by Sacha Dawan, who went on to play the Master in the 13th Doctor’s stories. The story was written by Doctor Who writer Mark Gatiss.
This bio-drama covers the beginning of Doctor Who from when Sydney Newman was first hired by the BBC as Head of Drama, to his hiring of his former assistant, Verity Lambert, to be the producer, and then to the hiring of Waris Hussein as Director for the first story. With the casting of William Hartnell the story takes off, and the focus is on Hartnell, with other cast members shown but not receiving any particular attention. And it follows Hartnell right up to the point where ill health forced him to step down and Patrick Troughton took over as the Doctor. In a final scene Bradley is in costume on the set of the TARDIS, and looks over and sees Matt Smith, the current Doctor at this time in 2013 (though already announced as leaving). In 2023 for the 60th anniversary they redid this last scene and showed Bradley looking over at Ncuti Gatwa, who began as the 15th Doctor with the Christmas 2023 episode The Church On Ruby Road.
Bonus Special: The Night of the Doctor
This was a special released by the BBC in the leadup to the 50th Anniversary, and has Paul McGann’s Doctor from the 1996 TV movie regenerate into the War Doctor. It is also a short mini episode lasting about 6 minutes. It features the Sisterhood of Karn, which were introduced in The Brain of Morbius. This can be found on YouTube and in the UK on iPlayer
Mini Episode: The Last Day
This is set between the events of The Night of the Doctor and The Day of the Doctor. It was written by Steven Moffat, and is about 4 minutes long. It can be found on YouTube, and in the UK on iPlayer. It is about 4 minutes long, and depicts a soldier on Gallifrey who is a new recruit just as the Daleks invade.
The Five-ish Doctors
This is a spoof short about three of the classic Doctors (Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy) who are anxiously awaiting a call that never comes inviting them to participate in the 50th anniversary special. Paul McGann and David Tennnant are also briefly in this, so the title is sort of accurate. The three main characters break into the set while filming is going on and find a way to appear in the show as Daleks, but their scene is later cut. Other people appear in cameo roles.