Attack of the Cybermen
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- The Doctor Who Podcast Episode#170
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- The Doctor’s Companion
- The Doctor’s Companion – Ep. 158
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- Gallifrey Public Radio
Vengeance on Varos
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- The Doctor’s Companion
- The Doctor’s Companion – Ep. 39
- Council of Geeks
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- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast #457
- Gallifrey Public Radio
The Mark of the Rani
- Council of Geeks
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- The Doctor’s Companion
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- Gallifrey Public Radio
The Two Doctors
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- Radio Free Skaro Episode #547
- The Doctor’s Companion
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- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #105
- The Doctor’s Companion
- The Doctor’s Companion – Ep. 120
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Revelation of the Daleks
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- Council of Geeks
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Mr. Tardis
- Council of Geeks
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