Terror of the Zygons
If you look at the air dates you will notice something interesting. This Thirteenth Season started only a few months after Season Twelve. Apparently the BBC knew they had a hit and wanted more.
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #71
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #48
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #370
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #701
- The Doctor’s Companion – Ep. 59
- The Doctor’s Companion
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast
- Gallifrey Public Radio
Planet of Evil
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #7
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #174
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #371
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Gallifrey Public Radio
Pyramids of Mars
- Council of Geeks
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #4
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #230
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #372
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Discussing Who Episode #236
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- Who Corner to Corner
The Android Invasion
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #73
- The Doctor Who Podcast DVD Review Episode#129
- DWO Whocast DVD Review #227
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #373
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #594
- Gallifrey Public Radio
The Brain of Morbius
- Doctor Who Podshock
- Discussing Who
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #55
- DWO Whocast DVD Review #85
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #231
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #374
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #84
- The Doctor’s Companion
- Council of Geeks
- Gallifrey Public Radio
- The Doctor Who Podcast Special #20
The Seeds of Doom
- Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats #86
- The Doctor Who Podcast DVD Review
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #375
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #319
- Radio Free Skaro Episode #320
- The Doctor’s Companion
- The 20MB Doctor Who Podcast
- Gallifrey Public Radio